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Clondalkin Village
Sundays: (Vigil) Sat 7.30pm,
Sunday 9am (Gaeilge)
10.30am (Choral),
12 noon (Family) &
Weekdays (Mon – Fri) 7.30am and
10am. Sat 10am
First Fridays 7.30am, 10am.
Holy Days 7.30pm(Vigil), 7.30am,
Confessions Sat 10.30 - 11am &
6.45 - 7.15pm
Sundays (Vigil) Sat 6.30 pm,
Sunday 11am (Family);
Holy Days 11am
Confessions Before Masses
Sundays (Vigil) Sat 6.30pm,
Sunday 10am, 12noon (Family)
Weekdays Mon to Fri 9.30am
Holy Days (Vigil) 6.30pm;
Holy Day 11am
Confessions Sat 6pm &
by request
Parish Office Hours
Clondalkin: Mon-Fri 9:30 - 12:30
Clonburris: Contact through Village
Knockmitten: Mon-Fri Mass times
Submissions for Newsletter:,
Office, Sacristy, by Tuesday
not later than 4.30pm
Clondalkin Village Parish
Immaculate Conception & St. Killian Church
Clonburris ╬ Knockmitten
Village Office/Sacristy 01 459 3520,
Fr. Damian Farnon, Moderator 01 459 2665 Fr Padraig O’Sullivan, Co-P.P. 01 464 0441
Knockmitten Fr. Des Byrne CC 01 459 2323
Clonburris Fr. Shan O Cuiv CC 01 459 3520
Parish Pastoral Workers Christina Malone 085 7162152
Frank Brown 086 101 8173
@ C l o n d a l k i n v i l l a g e p a r i s h
Around Christmas and the New Year people
remarked to me that this must be your busy time
or that I look worn out. To be honest Advent was
a busy time with much preparation for Christmas
and this year with the additional Advent
schedule it was, but from now until the end of
May is the busiest continuous time of the year.
Traditionally on the feast of the Epiphany, a proclamation was read outlining
the moveable feasts. Just to keep the tradition going here are a few dates for
your diary. Saint Brigid's day is on the first of February, followed by Candle- mas day with blessing of candles and blessing of throats the following day on
the feast of Saint Blaise. Ash Wednesday is on the 1st March, Clonburris
Confirmation on Wednesday 15th March agus Gaelscoileanna Confirmations
5th April. First Penance for the seven primary schools will also occur during
this time. The Holy Week Triduum is 13th to 15th April. The Ceremony of
Light for the Presentation Schools is on the 27th April and the numerous
First Communions Masses and two Confirmation Masses in May.
In the background there is also preparation for baptisms and for couples
whose weddings will take place here or in other churches. During this past
week we had two funerals here in our church. Francis (Fran) Mulholland and
Marie Hegarty. We extend as always, our prayers and sympathies at this
time. So, in hindsight December was really quiet, a calm before the storm so
to speak.
Just in case you didn’t hear me thank all who used their time, talents and
gifts to enhance our liturgies during Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, from
the bottom of my heart a big ‘Thank You’
Bye for now and a Happy New Year.
Fr. Damian.
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Village Church
Tuesday 10th January
10.00am Jim and Mary Duggan
Wednesday 11th January
10.00am Sr. Mary Holohan, 3rd ann
Thursday 12th January
10.00am Nicholas Kendellon
Sunday 15th January
7.30pm (Vigil) Molly and Paddy Kelly
10.30am Margaret (Peggy) Walsh
Vincent and Bobbie Norton
Ivor and Sadie Noone
Gerry, Fran, Jim, Daniel and Lily Doran
12 noon Kathleen Kelly, 12th ann
Luke Barry, 25th ann
Gay and Nora Keogh
John and Josephine Kennedy
Noel, Eileen, Marie, Camelia, Joe and
Josie O’Connor
Rosaleen Gill, 1st an
Saturday 7th January
6.30pm Nancy Heffernan A.
Michael Murphy A.
Sunday 8th January
11 am. Angela Kennedy Rem.
Nancy Heffernan A,
We pray for:
Marie Hegarty, Laurel Park
Peggy Ging, Monastery Rd
Pauline Murphy, Newbridge, formally
Francis Mulholland
And our deepest sympathies and
prayers to their families and
Altar Linen:
Church Cleaning: Veronica Bayly, Ber- nardine Wynne, Tracy Whelan and Josephine
Flowers: Nuala K endellon for January
Help needed in taking down all the Christmas decorations in
the morning and storing them away.
We had a wonderful night on 19th
December at our Dinner Dance in
Finnstown Castle Hotel entertained
by Finbar Coady and a big thank
you to Jimmy Coogan, Dennis Ka- vanagh and our own Bright Side of
Life Choir for singing for us, they
were just fantastic.I hope you all
had a lovely Christmas.
The club will re-open on Tuesday 10th January 2917.
Wishing you all a very safe and Happy New Year!
Congratulations and best wishes to:
Amy Summerville and Barry Kehoe
Who were married recently
Monday 9th January
Miraculous Medal Novena after 10am
Mass and Rosary
Tuesday 10th January
Lectio Divina under the guidance of Sr. Anne,
after their Christmas break. Sr. Anne welcomes all who
love to pray with the Scriptures to join them after 10am
Mass and Rosary in the Pastoral Centre
CCPC Intercessory Group
Praying for the 9 Cluster Parishes in Clondakin at 7.30pm
to 8.30pm and all are welcome
Wednesday 11th January
Rosary—Mysteries of Light—will be recited at 7.30pm
before the Prayer Meeting at 8pm in the Pastoral Centre
and all are welcome
Thursday 12th January
Legion of Mary m eets in the Con- vent at 12 noon and new members always
On Thursday after 10am Mass until
11.45am and again at the Hour of Prayer
8pm to 9pm and all are welcome!
“You left us Yourself in the Sacrament of the Altar, and you opened wide
your mercy to us. There is no misery that could exhaust You; You have
called us all to this fountain of love, to this spring of God’s compassion.”
St Faustina
The next Hour of Prayer takes place on
Thursday, 12th January from 8 to 9pm
There will be an hour of prayer with expo- sition of the Blessed Sacrament, Prayers
for healing and individual blessing with
Benediction at 9pm.
You are invited to come to this
Hour of prayer where we will
gather to pray with you and for you as we ask the Healing
Hand of the Lord to touch and strengthen us
All are welcome
Fr. Padraig
C.A.M.E. (Clondalkin Adult Morning Education)
Enrolments for our new term will take place Monday 9th
to Friday 13th January from 10am to
12noon in our portacabin at rear of VEC
building on Monastery Road, also on Mon- day 9th January from 7-8pm.Classes in- clude Hairdressing, Spanish, Art, Pilates,
Gardening, Yoga, Crafts, Patchwork/
Quilting, Dance, Knit & Natter, Golf. En- quiries to (01)4640450 or 0867703445 or
Mary Seery
As we continue our studies of The Fifth Command- ment we reflect upon the moral issues concerning
human life, respect for human dignity and respect
for the human body.
Prayer for this section- Lord Jesus Christ, teach us
so to respect one another in all that we say and do
that we may never be the cause of sin, especially in
matters so fundamental as our responsibilities for human life.
We ask this through the same Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday 11th January at 7.30pm Presentation Convent
(paragraphs 2284-2330). Ronan Leydon
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Back to school in the morning. Why could Christmas go on
for longer?
Just before Christmas in the Church I attend we brought our
Baby Jesus from our crib at home and had him blessed in the
Church. I really liked that!
What did you do that was very special?
I’m getting back to putting in quizzes which I think you will
like to take part in and be a part of “Just for us kids”
This is a really difficult one:
If you received all of the gifts
in the ‘12 days of Christmas’
song, how many gifts would
you get (remember to add
the gifts up day by day)?
Your answer to the website, Sacristy
or Office by Tuesday at the latest!
Kids— Just for us!
- Our annual Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes next year
takes place from 12th - 17th May
Fare: €680 per person sharing (single room supplement
€150). Deposit: €100. Fr. Shán O Cuiv will again be our
Spiritual Director and our Pilgrimage will be looked after
by Marian Pilgrimages. Booking Forms are now availa- ble in the Sacristy, Parish Office and Parish Shop
Padraig Doyle, Group Organiser.
“And He was laid in a
manger because there
was no room for him in
the Inn”
Baby Jesus lies in a man- ger beautifully made and
presented to the church
by George Lawlor
Some of the people who
came to join with Fr.
Padraig in the Evening
Prayer of the Church on
Christmas night, 2rth
December and after- wards for a chat and the
cuppa in the Pastoral
(Photos by Tommy
Dedicated to all parish- ioners at home and
abroad wishing everyone
a Happy, Peaceful and
want free 2017
Christmas ends today– 1st Sunday after
the Epiphany and after the Feast of the
Baptism of Jesus.
Jesus begins His public life and the
church Cycle enters Ordinary time
And now the real work of Christmas be- gins: feed the hungry, welcome the
stranger, visit the sick and those in pris- on!
The Christmas decorations will come
down during the week
The Feast of the Epiphany was when Irish women celebrated
their “Nollag na mBan” women’s Christmas
It was the day on which women – supposedly worn out by
doing the Christmas cooking – were allowed to take a break
and let the men do the housework!!
In his book The Year in Ireland: A Calendar, Kevin Danaher
wrote that while Christmas Day “was marked by beef and
whiskey, men’s fare”, on Women’s Christmas ” the dainties
preferred by women – cake, tea, wine – were more in
Or you could revel in the list of fancies detailed by Brid
Mahon in Land of Milk and Honey: She says that high tea on
January 6 might have featured “thinly-cut sandwiches,
scones, gingerbread, apple cakes, sponge cakes decorated
with swirls of icing, plum cake, brown bread, soda bread,
baker’s bread, pats of freshly made butter, bowls of cream,
dishes of jam and preserves and the best quality tea”.
Who wants it back??