Clondalkin Parish, Dublin 22

Clondalkin Village – Knockmitten – Clonburris

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Advent and Christmas Resources

The season of Advent seems to shorten every year – Halloween is over and the very next day the Christmas ads are on television and Santa is on his way to the local supermarket. The pressure is put on as predictably as drawing up a shopping list, stressing over presents and finances, decorating the tree and planning the Christmas Dinner.  We need to gift ourselves a few minutes out from our hectic world each day and to give ourselves a little space and time.

Here are a few free resources that you may find helpful –

  • Praying Advent – A busy person’s DIY retreat – A collection of prayers and reflections to do at your own time and pace –
  • Walking Advent with the Scriptures – An advent Calendar with a thought each day from the scripture of the day.
  • 4 gifts – 1 for each week of Advent – A creative reflection and meditation with poetry & art

Here’s a few things for families –

  • Here’s a few resources that you can use with family, groups or just for you own interest
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