Clondalkin Parish, Dublin 22

Clondalkin Village – Knockmitten – Clonburris

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MAD Sunday 2019

MADSunday ALL the resources – Enjoy

Following on from the success of MAD Sunday over the last 3 years – We are asking everyone to get involved and help us this by taking part in and promoting ‘MAD Sunday 2019’ 27th Oct 2019 – Make a difference, Be the difference &   Share the good news!! – Do one good thing that day for another & share it with us!! #MADSunday

Make a Difference (MAD) Sunday is an open invitation to everyone – seriously everyone, anywhere, any age, any background, any religion. This beautifully simple initiative hopes encourage people to consciously do at least 1 good thing that day (or maybe 1 thing each day that week) to help another and then share it.


  • For us, because it is what the Gospel message is about
  • Essentially just because we can – Let’s be honest, sometimes it feels good to just do something good for another
  • For a second just dare to dream what our home, community, city, island, world would be like if we all did something…


  • It’s great, inspirational at times, supporting and encouraging to share a bit of good news with others.
  • Let’s flood the internet & Social with GOOD News Stories!! Love is contagious!!

It’s a day on which we are encouraging young and not so young,  groups or  individuals, parents & children, clubs & societies, families & friends, politicians & teachers,… to look out for others and make a small difference in their home, community, school, parish, etc..  To consciously do one simple act of kindness and then share it with us all through social media using the #MADSUNDAY

Come together as a group to plan & do something or do something on your own. Big or small – it’s up to you!

Be creative, get involved, do something and share it with us/everyone!!

If you, your group, your school, your parish is interested in doing something there is loads of ideas and resources available –

Download the –Social Media Promo MAD Sunday 2019 or the Make a Difference Sunday – CCPC Promotion Poster 2019

Here’s 50 Way to get involved and take part in MAD Sunday 2019

And if you are taking part or encouraging others why not print out the following posters and post Selfies as individuals or groups  – MAD Sunday 2019 I’m taking part MAD Sunday 2019 We’re taking part

For Families

Why not send a Thank you card to someone letting you know you appreciate them? Or print a few out and leave them in a public place for people to take and share – there are a few to chose from – MADS Thank You Cards, MADS Thank You Cards 2, MADS Thank You Cards 3, MADS Thank You Cards 4, MADS Thankyou card Note MADs Nov Kindness Calendar – Or go one step further and publicly ‘Name & Fame’ on social media the person you want to thank, who inspires you or who does fantastic works of kindness for others – Name &Fame

For Schools & Youth Groups – 

MADSunday 2019 – Poster & Project for Schools

MADSunday 2019 – Poster & Project for Youth Groups

MADSunday 2019 – Teacher Challenge Poster for Schools

MADSunday 2019 – Class Social Justice Project plan Handout –

MADS Checkboard School, Students & Teachers

Why not set up your own MAD Group – Here’s a few tips – Setting up a MAD Group

A few easy to use resources – Simple and Quick MAD Ways to brighted up someones day, MADS Scavanger Hunt School edition, MADS Checkboard School, Students & Teachers, The MADS Kindness Fortune Teller for Schools, MADS Blessing Bags

Here’s a simple little project you can do that just involves printing out a few posters and putting then up around the place…

  1. MADSunday 2019 – A Simple, Sample Project – Just Print out and Put around!
  2. MADSunday 2019 – A Simple, Sample Project – Just Print out and Put around! 3
  3. MADSunday 2019 – A Simple, Sample Project – Just Print out and Put around! 4
  4. MADSunday 2019 – A Simple, Sample Project – Just Print out and Put around! 5
  5. MADSunday 2019 – A Simple, Sample Project – Just Print out and Put around! 6

Why not set up your own MAD Kindness station with some card, markers, etc and let people make their own Thank You cards to give out!!

Here’s a few resources that will get you thinking on what Difference you can make to our environment

MAD – How Cool is my School, My MAD Clothes, My MAD Ecological Handprint, My MAD Foodprint, A MAD Make a difference Letter From Pope Francis

Here’s a few reflections that you may find useful also –

If you are interested in putting together a Mass to Celebrate that day and maybe showcase the works of kindness and compassion you are doing in your community here’s a few suggestions for you & Your parish –

MADS 2019 – Suggestion for a Homily Drama or MAD Sunday 2019 Suggested Prayers of the Faithful

Here’s a suggestion for a sample poster – MAD Sunday Mass Poster 2019

Here’s a few suggestions for a Communion Reflection – MADS – This is what we’re about communion reflection, MADS – The Starfish Story communion reflection, MADS – The Marks we leave communion reflection, MADS – Strength and Courage communion reflection, MADS – power of one communion reflection, MADS – Our Deepest Fear communion reflection

The Combined Catholic Parish of Clondalkin in Sruleen Church at 6:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass on the 26th Oct for anyone who wishes to attend. Music Ministry will be lead by the Sruleen Sitting Singers!!

There is also a few different prayer resources

MADS Parishioners Prayer Poster 2019, MADS – Prayer 2 2019, MADS – Prayer 3 2019, MADS – Prayer 2019

And a prayer card that you could print out and pass around – MADS Prayer Card – Prayer Card

There are also a few PPT & Video resources that are too big to put up here but you can get them all by going to MADSunday ALL the Resources – Enjoy

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