Clondalkin Parish, Dublin 22

Clondalkin Village – Knockmitten – Clonburris

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Family Matters – Discussions/Inputs for Parents

We’ve kicked off our ‘Family Matters’ discussions on topics concerning families that is taking place every Thursday up to the end of June – @ 7:30pm in the Parish Pastoral Centre beside Clondalkin Village Church –

31st May  – Keeping Our children safe On-line
7th June –  Dealing with Conflict in Relationships
14th June – Family Life in Ireland 2018
21st June –  Looking out for our Mental Health
28th June  – Our Family Celebration – Make sure to bring a dessert to share!!


Please – Spread the invite and come along!!

Our next talk is – Thurs 21st June  – Looking after our Mental Health –

Jigsaw Clondalkin will present a 45 – 60 minute workshop for parents, guardians and other adults interested or concerned about young people’s mental health.

Participants will gain an understanding of the key issues impacting on the mental health and well-being of young people, learn to promote positive mental health in young people, understand how to recognise some of the signs that a young person may be struggling with their mental health,
learn the value of listening as a way of supporting young people and increase knowledge of the supports available in our area.

As a area with so many young people we are aware that this is a very important issue, therefore we would encourage as many as possible to attend!!



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