Clondalkin Parish, Dublin 22

Clondalkin Village – Knockmitten – Clonburris

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Clondalkin Parish News

Welcome to the News section for our Parish! We hope to keep you up-to-date with items of interest. Please contact the Parish Office if you have any information we might include here. Don’t forget to check out the latest edition of our Parish Newletter and our Events page for more details of future events!

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This weekend Fr. Damian will be leaving the parish after thirteen years. GOODBYE, FAREWELL AMEN I was in the central house of the Society of Saint James the Apostle in Miraflores, a district of Lima in Peru when on the … Continue reading

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It’s a day on which we are encouraging young and not so young, groups or individuals, parents & children, clubs & societies, families & friends, politicians & teachers,… to look out for others and make a small difference in their home, community, school, parish, etc.. To consciously do one simple act of kindness and then share it with us all through social media using the #MADSUNDAY Continue reading

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This Sunday, St Paul in the second reading gives his beautiful hymn to love as the greatest of all virtues, a scripture passage that is often used at weddings. “So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of … Continue reading

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At 3:15 today We are having a special prayer Service in Neilstown Parish Church “For all our loved ones who died too soon” Remembering those precious children who have died during or after birth and all our beloved friends, family members … Continue reading

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Today WE LAUNCH our new Parish Phone App – YourParish App On This, Mission Sunday, are delighted to announce that we are launching our new parish app called  YourParish App. The app has a host of features and also allows … Continue reading

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There will be a gathering for Ministers of the Eucharist in the parish Pastoral Centre on Tuesday 16th and 23rd of October. It is training for NEW Ministers and a refresher for existing Minister. You might know someone who would … Continue reading

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OUR LADY OF SORROWS – Feast day 15th Sept The feast dates back to the 12th century.  It was especially promoted by the Cistercians and the Servites, so much so that in the 14th and 15th centuries it was widely … Continue reading

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September 14th is the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, also known as the Triumph of the Cross or the Elevation of the Cross. This is the day the Church celebrates both the discovery and the recovery … Continue reading

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We are looking for at least one young adult from our Parishes to participate on our Foundational Leadership Programme for Young Adults. This course has been run previously and resulted in many graduates taking up positions of leadership in their parish, in the … Continue reading

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The 5th of September is the feast of St Mother Teresa – A worth and inspiring Modern Day Saint – To find out a little more about her download the little leaflet on her life, background and a few of … Continue reading

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